Saturday, June 9, 2012

I Have Returned! Hellbound: Hellraiser II Review

Hello everyone! I know it has been a couple of months since I last posted on my blog, but things were just crazy with school stuff, and finding jobs. However, I am back, and I am ready to take on more movie reviews for the greater good of my readers! So, sit back and enjoy because today I will be reviewing A SEQUEL! It is my first sequel review, and I have to say this is probably one of the best horror sequels I own. I am talking about Clive Barker's Hellbound: Hellraiser II. WARNING This review may contain spoilers, and small recaps of the first film in order to help you understand this already somewhat confusing horror film haha!

Hellbound: Hellraiser II was released in 1988, and was only written by Clive Barker as well as Peter Atkins. That's right, after the first Hellraiser film, Barker decided to step down from the director's chair in order to make room for other projects, but the story is still all his. It was directed by Tony Randel. This film stars some of the original film's cast such as Ashley Laurence, Doug Bradley as Pinhead and Claire Higgins, as well as a couple of new faces, Imogen Boorman and Kenneth Cranham. The film takes place immediately after Kirsty Cotton's (Laurence) horrifying encounter with her sinister Uncle Frank, and the Cenobites, sadistic demons who receive pleasure from the suffering of others. Kirsty is now in a mental institution run by Dr. Phillip Channard (Cranham) who is actually crazier than the patients he takes care of, or should I say experiments on. That's right, this doctor experiments on his patient's brains, and even has a basement floor where he stores his craziest patients like animals. Talk about a psychotic madman! That is actually an understatement!
Anyway, Kirsty tells Channard about the Cenobites, and what happened between her Uncle Frank and her evil stepmother Julia (Higgins). She also mentions a mattress in the house where it all took place that is stained with Julia's blood, and that it must be destroyed because she can still be brought back just like Frank. Now, you think that any rational person would think that Kirsty should have a permanent stay in the mental hospital, but....BUT it turns out that Channard believes every word she says. In fact, he knows all about the Pandora's box, the Cenobites and the mattress. He actually wants to bring Julia back in order to understand this new world of pain and pleasure. Yep, this guy actually wants to go to Hell. So, Channard gets a hold of the mattress, brings Julia back, and using one of his patients that is a puzzle solver named Tiffany (Boorman) the Pandora's box is solved, and the Cenobites are once again unleashed. Channard is taken on a journey into Hell, and he finds exactly what he wants, even though it turns out to be a painful experience. Kirsty and Tiffany work together to find Kirsty's father who is still trapped in Hell, but is cut off by the Cenobites who still want to play with her. The whole film then centers around Kirsty and Tiffany closing the gate to Hell ultimately stopping Channard, Julia and the Cenobites from their deadly pursuits. Did you get all that? haha


  •  So, I mentioned in my review of Hellraiser that it is a very gruesome and violent film. Well, would you believe that this film is actually even more gruesome and violent than the first one to the point where this film is actually Unrated? However, I actually like that it is more gruesome and violent. If there is one thing I look for in a good horror film, it is that it is has to have a discomfort level. I want to have an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me want to turn away from the screen, but then turn right back to it, and this film has that and more. 
  • The Cenobites were awesome in the first film, and they are just as awesome in this film. They are still creepy, and I actually like how welcoming they are to Kirsty to Hell. I also like how they are amused by the fact that there really is no way out, and eventually she will be theirs to play with. They have a dark sense of humor for once!
  • Hell is also a pretty nice setup, especially the labyrinth set. It is simply breathtaking, and scary because of how grand it looks. I definitely would not want to get lost in it. 

No GPS could guide you through that horrifying sight. I figure you put aside
a couple hundred years, and you might get through 10% of it! haha

  •  Dr. Channard is also a very interesting character because he knows he is messed up in the head, but he acts so civil and like it is not a big deal that he is crazy. Even when he brings back Julia, he is like oh okay a zombie woman in my house no big deal! When he becomes a Cenobite, it is so unsettling, but has a killer result! Becoming a Cenobite actually released even more of his sadistic fantasies, which is what he really wanted all along. He just felt like he didn't belong in society. He wanted an excuse for being evil, and Hell is a pretty good excuse!
Channard Before

Channard After as a Cenobite


  • As much as I like the film, there are some parts of the story that just do not make a whole lot of sense. As much as I liked the labyrinth in Hell, I was not sure what the Leviathan was. Was it the devil? It did not seem to make a whole lot of sense, but perhaps if I watch it more, it will be clear to me!
  • I did not like how the whole rescue mission of Kirsty's father was a throwaway. Even though I understand that the actor who played him decided to not return for the sequel, I would have been fine with finding another actor to play him. It has been done before. What they do with this part of the story I just never really liked, and I don't want to ruin this part for you, so I will just say the payoff is not completely satisfying.
  • Toward the end of the film, the Cenobites actually turn into heroes against the Channard Cenobite. As much as a fight between these guys is awesome, the fight really sucked. I also did not understand why this fight even happened. I mean Hell is a pretty big domain, why not divide it up amongst themselves? But no one demon always has to have it all! GREEDY GREEDY! Ugh! Anyway, as much I wanted to see a fight, it just wasn't worth the 3 minute scene, and I don't think it was necessary. 
  • The ending of the film is something that I will never understand! haha I cannot even explain it. It is just so weird, and maybe that was the reason, since there were many sequels to follow this. However, it just didn't make a whole lot of sense. I don't want to ruin it for you, so see it, and then join me in my confusion, or help me with it! haha

I would say Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a worthy sequel to the original, and in my opinion, even though I have not seen the other sequels to this franchise, the only sequel worth watching. Let me explain; I actually heard that the first two Hellraiser movies were the only ones that were written as Hellraiser movies. The other sequels minus the 2011 sequel that I will NEVER speak of, were derived from other recycled horror film scripts, and people would be like "Hey! Let's throw Pinhead in this one!" So, it really is the only sequel I would say is worth seeing. Is it better than the first? I would say no, simply because of the dislikes I have already mentioned, and just because of the shear impact that the first one already left. The sequel had a new gore factor, but I felt like all the stops were already pulled out, but it is still a worthy sequel to the original! I am honored to own it, but I will never discredit the amazement that the first film has! I also want to give a warning out to you. If you want to watch this film, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT watch it with children! This is not some horror film where it is okay for them to watch. It will definitely give them nightmares, so be wary for the kiddies!

RATING I would give this film a 7/10. While it does not meet the greatness of the first film, it is still a worthy sequel, and I am proud to be an owner of it!

Well that is it from me, the Movie Maniac! Tune in next time, when I will review another movie! Take care everyone, and have fun watching this sequel! 


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whitlow and the Movie Maniac Reviews- "Robocop" (1987)

Hello all! I know it has been weeks since I last posted on here. Things have just been crazy with school, but here is a review I wrote with a friend of mine known as Josh Whitlow, a fellow movie buff like myself! Enjoy!

A tale as old as time, well maybe not as old as time but about a month or two. Two movie buffs sharing their opinions on some of the best and worst in the movie industry from time to time! First, Whitlow, a Facebook movie reviewer that has been brave enough to review movies like Batman and Robin and Spider-man 3. The Movie Maniac (Sean Kenny), a man that is just crazy about movies, and sometimes drives himself insane by reviewing stinkers like Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings! Now, we will take our reviewing to another level with Whitlow and the Movie Maniac! Yeah we like movies! In fact, we can't get enough of them, and now we are going to review one of the best in the sci-fi/action genre! The future of law enforcement Robocop (1987)!


Okay, so I always get super psyched every, and I mean EVERY time someone utters the word Robocop! This movie is great beyond comparison! Robocop was directed by Paul Verhoeven (you know the guy that brough you “Total Recall” and “Starship Troopers!”). It was released in 1987, and stars Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox, and Kurtwood Smith (yes the dad from “That 70’s Show”!). Officer Alex J. Murphy (Weller), a cop that just got transferred to a futuristic Detroit that is ruled by crime and lots of money hungry big wigs (well that future is not too far off), goes on a mission with his partner Anne Lewis (Allen) that ends in disaster when he is blown apart by a street gang lead by Clarence J. Boddicker (Smith). Yep! He is the villain in this movie! 

Clarence Boddicker- Villain

Jones- Villain

After being blown to pieces, a team of scientists put him back together using artificial intelligence, transforming him into Robocop! This guy could put the entire Detroit police force out of business because he is a one-man army who feels no pain, and will stop at nothing to protect the innocent, and seek justice! However, Robocop’s keeps getting small reminders that he was once human, which leads him to remember who killed him as Murphy. From this point on, he goes on a revenge rampage to get back at the ones who ruined his life, yet transformed it for a better cause! Oh the complexity!

The Movie Maniac’s Verdict

Robocop happens to be one of my all time favorite action films. It really gives The Terminator a run for its money because I think the movie is literally non stop action from start to finish, well almost anyway. Peter Weller does a great job as Robocop. He really lays down the law! Not Sylvester Stallone LAAAAW! haha but the law nonetheless. Kurtwood Smith does a surprisingly good performance as the main villain. Who'd a thought that That 70's Show dad could be evil! haha I also just liked the overall concept of the movie, that maybe when a cop dies, he could sign off that he can be used for future defense experiments. It might seem a little inhumane, but if a person is dead, and they sign off as an organ donor, well they take out the organs, so I liked the idea of a cop still fighting for the greater good even after he was killed in action. All of the villains seem to enjoy being evil, which makes us hate them even more, and you get s sense that the city is in chaos. The third act is also pretty impressive!
Okay, so now what I don't like about this film. Nancy Allen's character was kind of annoying in my opinion. I mean I know that she served as the reminder that Robocop was once human, but I mean he can't do anything about it, so why bring it up I guess? You know what I mean? She also seemed to be a very weak cop. Also, as much as I liked the addition of the Murphy’s past memories get in the way of his Robocop duties, I almost wish he didn’t remember his family. I know that seems horrible of me, but I just don’t like how he remembers his family full blast, and then absolutely nothing is done about afterwards. It would be cool if he like at least ran into his son or wife toward the end just to add some closure or something, but that is just me. I will say that I like how he remembers who killed him because that makes him stronger as a cop! He goes completely insane with power, and awesomeness. Well, you just have to see it for yourself! The gore factor is also undeniably well gory! The amount of violence in this movie is crazy, but it is also necessary to the grittiness of the plot! Overall, it is a great sci-fi/action film, and I can see myself watching a few more times in the future!

Whitlow’s Verdict

I agree with you about Peter Weller (Alex Murphy/RoboCop) & Kurtwood Smith (Clarence Boddicker) doing a GOOD job in their respective roles, but I would also go so far as to include Ronny Cox (Dick Jones) in that category and also as the role of co-main villain with Smith (Clarence was more of the muscle villain with henchmen while Dick Jones was the brains behind the operation so he should definitely be up there, plus I like the aspect of this movie having two main villains both working together 1st for the 'Delta City' PLOT which then later becomes the 'KILL RoboCop' PLOT). I also love the RoboCop suit itself (the overall design alone has become iconic) with his super-awesome gun that apparently never runs out of ammo (seriously, that thing couldn't possibly hold more than 30 rounds in one magazine/clip & I swear he shoots way more than that in the coke factory scene), but probably my favorite thing about this movie is the score/music behind it (the score accompanies everything this movie is illustrating to us by allowing each scene to naturally flow from one witty/comedic moment to an action-packed/shooter scene to a very tragic/emotional moment)...I also agree with you about Nancy Allen (Anne Lewis), her & Murphy are partners for like an hour before he gets killed off (partly because of her in my opinion) but she acts like they've been partners for years (NOT to mention the sexual tension between them when they're talking about Murphy's son but I might be reading a little too much into this), I mean she doesn't do a horrible job acting-wise, I just wish her character would've been much stronger/better written (less of a woman stereotype in a few places - she kicks a guy's ass like once & the rest of the time she's getting' her ask knocked-out or shot at), they're are also a few glaring mistakes/errors in the film that I've noticed in my later years (like when Murphy takes off his RoboCop helmet & the black part the was his neck/chin is missing all the sudden or when Emil tries to run RoboCop over with his truck driving it into toxic chemical you can see RoboCop sprint out of the way for a few seconds - which he can't do, he's essentially Frankenstein's monster in the speed department).

Overall, it's a pretty GOOD movie...GOOD acting (for the most part - GOLD STAR goes to Kurtwood Smith for being a sadistic ass who I ended up liking), GOOD story (kind of an metaphor for Jesus Christ), GREAT music (nuff said), yeah it's a bit dated NOW (it's 25 years old after ALL), the action's a bit over-the top but it still fits with the tone/style of the movie so it works, there's some minor continuity errors here and there (ex: when RoboCop takes his helmet off the black part around his neck and on his chin magically disappears + you can see at least one of the rockets the ED-209 launches attached to a piece of string as a guide) and the ending feels a tad bit unfinished (technically it was = they originally had another video scene as the ending showing how Anne Lewis was recovering from her wounds and the "I'd Buy That For a Dollar!" guy getting arrested for having sex with a minor or something), but for the most part it's a great film that's worthy of recogition (the sequels on the other hand...)

The Movie Maniac’s Rebuttal

Yeah the Robocop suit is really awesome actually, especially since you cannot see his eyes, which makes him all the more intimidating. At the same time, I always wondered if he is like crossing his eyes at people as he is arresting him, and going “Nah nah nah nah nah!” haha. Well, maybe not. But yeah it is a very nostalgic movie. I mean it took me about 21 years until I actually saw it, but even so, I always knew who Robocop was. I mean he has become somewhat of an icon really when you think about it. I also like your analysis of the two villains. There really is a mastermind, and a muscle villain! Well said, Whitlow!


We give this movie an 8/10!  It is a well-crafted and designed movie, and plus it has huge nostalgic value! I mean come one, even if you have not seen this movie yet, 9 times out of 10 you know what Robocop is!

That is it from us! Tune in for future reviews in the near…well…future! Whitlow and the Movie Maniac signing off!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Small Update

Hello all!

I know I have not done my weekly review as of yet. I have been on spring break, and have been finishing up school. However, I will be doing more reviews soon. I will also be doing a cross review with a Facebook movie critic known as Whitlow, so keep an eye out for that! Thanks to all who have been reading my reviews. The movie mania will return soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Last of the Mohicans Review

Something else you all must know is I love Daniel Day-Lewis' work as an actor. He has the power to physically, mentally and emotionally change himself to play any character he sees fit. I have seen many of his films, and he never seems to disappoint me. He cares about his career as an actor to the point where he may wait 5 years until, what he sees as, a good script comes around. In the case of the film that I am reviewing today, Day-Lewis seems to contribute to an overall amazing cast. I am talking about Micahel Mann's The Last of the Mohicans. *WARNING* This review definitely contains spoilers!

The Last of the Mohicans was released in 1992 and also stars Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means, Eric Schweig and Wes Studi. Based on the novel by James Fenimore Cooper, this film is set during the French and Indian War where three trappers Hawkeye (Day-Lewis), Chingachgook (Means) and Uncas (Schweig), guide a British Colonel's daughter (Stowe) through a treacherous battlefield. Hawkeye, a white man raised as a Mohican, begins to fall in love with the daughter as they reach her father. Meanwhile, a constant war rages on as the French militia communicate with a tribal leader known as Magua (Studi) who seeks revenge against the British for murdering his family. Tensions rise higher and higher as both sides of the war struggle to survive.
  • The first thing about this movie that I really enjoyed from the first 5 minutes on was the soundtrack. The score is just simply incredible. It really captured the intensity of the war unlike any other. It had a Native American feel to it, if that makes sense. You just have to hear it to understand. 
  • Wes Studi is amazing in this movie as well! He plays a character that has absolutely no remorse, and will not stop until his thirst for vengeance is quenched. Even when he kills people in the movie, his expression is absolutely blank, especially when he kills Uncas in the third act. It gave me chills just seeing how apathetic he was.
  • The third act of the movie is worth waiting for! There is an awesome showdown between Chingachgook and Magua. Uncas was his son, and when he sees his death, Magus immediately goes on his hit list, and the consequences are not pretty!
  • The fight scenes were well rehearsed, and intense. They kept me on the edge of my seat mainly because the natives were barely wearing anything, so I automatically assumed that the carnage would be much worse, and I was right. 
  • The romance between Hawkeye and the Colonel's daughter seemed to be forced and unnecessary in my opinion. It just did not add much complexity to the story. I mean yeah when she is captured he goes after her, but he would have to do that anyway whether he loves her or not because he is obligated to protect her, so what's the point? It was like the director was approached by a friend of his who said, "There is too much violence and depression in this movie! Force a love interest please!" It just seemed to turn into a date movie. Now don't get me wrong, I am all for love interests, but not when it seems like it was scripted to appeal to those people who want to see some hanky panky! It just frustrates me. I hope you understand where I am coming from. 
Forced love interest!
  • Like I said, I love the third act, but I wish that Uncas was killed off earlier in the film, not because I hate his character, but just so the vengeance that Chingachgook seeks would be pent up longer, and make the revenge that much sweeter for him when he killed Magua.
  • This film is a good action film that seems to capture the drama and intensity of the French and Indian War. Sure there is that forced love interest, but you know what, it is still a good movie, and if it has Daniel Day-Lewis in it, I am always game.

That's it from me for this week! Tune in next week for more movie mania!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings Review

Okay, you know what, there is a reason why I call myself the Movie Maniac. The meaning of this title goes two ways. First way, I see a movie that I like so much that it turns me into a maniac, in which I can't stop talking about it. Second way, I see a movie that is so bad that it drives me insane! I thought I would be fair, and post a negative review on here for once because I care about the sanity of movie goers.
When I was a young teenager, I remember walking into Wal-Mart, and digging for treasure in the $5 movie bin. Back then, these bins contained some of the worst movies ever! My mom picked up a DVD, and it's cover struck me, mainly because of the positive comments by film critics printed right on it. One comment said, and I quote, "A fantasy epic in the tradition of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings" - Science Fiction Chronicle. At first, I was like um maybe they are trying too hard. Maybe this film is good, but they are just giving it too much hype. Well, I was right about one thing, THEY WERE TRYING TOO HARD! The main reason being that this movie, is one of the worst, if not the worst fantasy movie I have ever seen in my entire life! Yes it is bad! I don't know how much money this Science Fiction Chronicle got paid to write a positive review for this movie, but man what movie were they watching? I mean it really amazes me how bad this movie is. I am going to give a brief summary of this movie, and then I am going to try to get through the rest of it by saying what I hate about it, but believe me, I am trying really hard to figure out why I am reviewing this movie, but it is too late now, No turning back.....whew. Let the negative mania begin! This is Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings.
Now, I want you to take a good look at this poster. Looks intriguing doesn't it? I mean I thought so. I really thought so. I gave it a chance, and I regret it completely! This movie was released on video in 2002, and centers around the story of a young boy who receives a magic book of spells that takes him into the generic fairy world with elves, trolls, and a horribly annoying, ridiculous, over-the-stop, stupid, STUPID villain named Lord Dagda, (the horned idiot on the top of the poster). Dagda? It sounds like a sound I make when I am coughing! But this villain, if that's what you want to call him, makes annoying sounds that I would not even use for prank calling. After every line he either laughs, or goes "AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I am not kidding. Oh, and by the way, notice I am not mentioning the actors' names, and you should know why because this movie sucks! I don't want to know these people for making this ridiculous garbage. Anyway, Max goes between this fairy world back to the real word trying to figure out how to stop Dagda, and that is about it. I don't want to go any further in fear that I might lost my mind!

  • I might be biased but ABSOLUTELY NO LIKES! I like that I have not watched this movie since that horrible day!
  • Ohh where do I begin? The acting is horrible. No one saves this movie. You can tell that these actors were not getting paid a lot, so they didn't really care. In fact, I bet the director was like, " I am going to turn the camera on, and go get some sandwiches. You guys just stay here and make the movie without me. Figure out how to act on your own!" I know this is a video release, so what can you expect, but seriously, put some effort into it please?! I have seen plants that act better than these people, and they barely move!
  • The costumes are stupid, there is actually an elf in the beginning where you can CLEARLY see that he is wearing tennis shoes! TENNIS SHOES! I am sorry, I did not know that mythical creatures knew what tennis shoes were. Plus, apparently elves bleed green! Ugh! I am going to have a migraine after this review. I cannot even find still images from this movie. That is how bad this movie is!
  • I completely dislike the hype that the cover gives off! LIARS! It even says that it won film festivals? How was this movie even allowed at a festival? If I saw this movie in a festival, I would tear the screen down, and have it sterilized because this garbage ruins any TV screen or movie screen that it appears on!
  • I don't like that the director thought that just because you have mystical beings, and magic in a movie DOES NOT, I repeat DOES NOT mean that you are going to have a good success. It is called originality! And how dare you compare yourself to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings! At least these franchises actually had, oh I don't know GOOD ACTING! This film is not even fit to be on the same shelf at those two franchises! In fact, I think I am going to go home, find that DVD, and put it in a dark, cold box, where it will never be able to make anyone angry again!
Now, you are probably still wondering, why review a straight to DVD movie? Well, here is why, because I personally do not like these kind of movies. I am really trying to figure why these movies are even allowed to be sold in stores. I am sure that there is a legitimate reason that has something to do with money, but it really just flabbergasts me! I am sick and tired of the business aspect of movies overshadowing the point of movies These kind of movies are a disgrace in the industry because movies are all about entertainment, and good acting. When you ruin these goals, you waste money that could spent on better movies, or heck even philanthropic causes. Yes, I know, there will always be bad movies, but this one.....THIS ONE STUPID EXCUSE FOR A MOVIE is really bad! I also really wanted to show that I am going to review both good and bad movies on here just to show how this industry works, and what was green lighted. Sometimes, you get masterpieces, and other times you get crap like Max Magician and the Legend of the STUPID STUPID fairly pretty pretty world, Home of the AGHHHH Dagda villain! Avoid this movie like your life depended on it. Some of you are going to watch it anyway. Well guess what, it's your funeral!

OVERALL Well you should by now right? This movie sucks!
RATING 0.125/10 Yeah that's right I used a decimal

Tune in next time where I promise I will review a critically acclaimed movie! Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Monster Squad Review

Okay I decided to move back to the horror genre for this next review, but this film just happens to be a horror-comedy! How's that for a change? And I am jumping into the 80s. I know I'm jumping all over the place, but that's kind of what I do, considering I am a movie maniac! Anyway, this week's film is a keeper because it does a similar strategy to what House of Dracula, or House of Frankenstein did, but in a quirky and creative sort of way. I am of course talking about Fred Dekker's The Monster Squad. Every person that I have described this film to has heard the following comparison from me: This film is like The Goonies with movie monsters. This is not a bad thing at all. In fact, I find it to be very clever in a way that not only is the film gaining a younger audience with children being involved, but the classic horror movie monsters are being immortalized even more at the same time. Plus, the monsters are just incredible, and we can thank the late great Stan Winston for them. In my opinion, these monsters are underrated, and not talked about enough. I feel like the Predator, and the Terminator are talked about more, but this film had some great monsters designs, and I will definitely be sure to discuss this further in the review. Let's not wait any longer. It is time for monster movie mania. It's The Monster Squad!

The Monster Squad was released in 1987. The plot is basically this, after 100 years, Dracula, played by Duncan Regehr, the Wolfman, the Mummy, Gillman, and Frankenstein's monster, played by Tom Noonan have returned and are looking to destroy an amulet which will upset the balance between good and evil, and there is only one group of masterminds that can stop them, a group of vicious middle school kids and a not so Scary German Guy! The whole film centers around The Monster Squad which includes Sean (Andre Gower), Patrick (Robby Kiger), Horace (Brent Chalem), Rudy (Ryan Lambert), Eugene (Michael Faustino), and Phoebe (Ashley Bank). And, of course, what would this movie be without Scary German Guy played by Leonardo Cimino.

Scary German Guy
  • I mentioned it earlier, and I will say it again, the monsters are incredible! I mean really check these guys out!

    Winston did an amazing job with the make-up and creature costumes! I mean look at Gillman! Look at him! He is just awesome in his scary glory, and the Wolfman isn't half bad either! Winston tried to re-imagine these characters in a way, and boy did he succeed!
    • The Monster Squad is really cool! I especially like the fact that this film shows how kids handle monsters. No adults will believe them except for Scary German Guy. The kids run the show, and it is really intriguing to see how they take on these horror icons!
    • You know those 80's montages? Well, there is one in here, and it is awesome! I don't know, there is just something about it that really gets me excited for the showdown with the monsters.
    • Okay, so there is this fat kid in the movie named Horace, and he is awesome! He has some of the funniest lines in the movie actually!
    My Horace!

    • My biggest dislike of this movie is that it is too short! It is not even an hour and a half! It doesn't have to be over two hours to keep my attention, but you could add some minutes onto the film! Plus, sometimes, it seems like the monsters aren't given enough screen time, and then they are just killed off quickly. For example, we see the mummy in like three scenes, and then he finally attacks the squad, and he is killed in like 2 minutes! Gillman didn't seem to be utilized that much as well. Why? He is so cool! I wish they would have shown him fight more. It really seemed to be more about the Wolfman, which is cool, but unfair at the same time!
    • Phoebe is super annoying in this movie! I know little girls are supposed to be cute and loveable, but she tests my patience way too much. The only good scene with her in it is when Dracula picks her up by her face, and scares the living crap out of her, but that still doesn;' save her as a character. Her purpose seems to be just to annoy people.
    Phoebe looking scared!

    This movie is awesome, especially if you are a monster fan like me! It is an oldie, but a goodie, and I recommend it if you are looking a for something scary and funny!

    RATING 7/10 Yeah it could be longer, which would give the monsters more screen time, but hey it still deserves a high rating for the quality of the monsters.

    That is it from me this week! Continue to follow along each week from me the Movie Maniac! The mania goes on and on!

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    DragonHeart Review

    Okay I am jumping back into the fantasy genre with a film that was released in the mid-90s. Now, is this an absolutely perfect film, no. To be honest, no movie is perfect. Every film has its flaws, even the Oscar-winning ones. They are made by people, and people make mistakes. It's a part of life, but it is my job as well as your job to truly appreciate or not appreciate the vision, and the story that a film presents. Now sometimes the mistakes can overshadow the story, but I digress. Anyway, today I will be talking about a film that does have a lot of heart, and it is ironically called DragonHeart, directed by Rob Cohen. So let the mania begin once again. Let's fly right into DragonHeart.

    DragonHeart was released in 1996 and stars Dennis Quaid, David Thewlis, the late Pete Postlethwaite, Dina Meyer, and of course the voice of Sean Connery. So, this is basically how to the story goes, Quaid stars as Bowen, a knight of the old code, who's job is to train Einon, the son of an evil king who slaughters innocent people. Einon will one day be king, and Bowen tries to teach the old ways of King Arthur in order for him to be a good and better king than his own father. Einon actually gets his chance after his father is killed in battle. However, something happens that puts a small damper on things. Einon accidentally gets shoved by a young girl causing him to stab himself in the heart. So, Bowen takes Einon back to the castle where his mother, the queen, tries to figure out how to save him. Einon's mother decides to take him to a great and wise dragon voiced by Connery. Apparently dragons have the ability to remove half of their hearts to save the life of a person. Well, guess what, the dragon decides to give Einon half of his heart after making him swear that he will be a good king.
    So what do you think happens? Isn't it obvious? Einon is actually no better than his father, and becomes even worse than him. Bowen, however, decides to be naive, and thinks that the dragon's heart is bewitched, causing Einon to become evil. This is definitely not the case, but Bowen makes a vow that he will kill this particular dragon as well as every dragon that ever lived.
    Thewlis as King Einon
    Twelve years go by, and he succeeds killing all of the other dragons except for the one dragon that gave Einon half of his heart. From this point on, the dragon and Bowen eventually work together to trick the people into thinking there are more dragons than just him. Bowen also runs into a priest (Postlethwaite) who basically treats Bowen like a god, which can get creepy at times, especially when he write poems about him! Then, the motives change, and Bowen decides to lead an army to stop Einon for good, and realizes that Einon has always been an evil king. I really do not want to give away the ending because it would definitely spoil it for you. I will only say that the dragon and Einon are linked together. Hopefully, that makes sense for you. The plot was a little more complex this time because there was a lot more time spanned in this film.

    • Connery is awesome in this movie. He brings to life to the CGIed dragon, and really adds depth to its motivations by speaking about why he gave Einon the half heart. 
    • Thewlis plays a great villain, and shows how ruthless Einon has always been. You can also tell that he is drunk with power, and is not afraid to shove it around.
    • The score is great, especially the piece used in the ending. It almost, ALMOST, makes me shed a tear. 
    •  Quaid surprised me in this film. I would say that this is one of the last films where he was actually trying to play a good role. He showed how much love he really had for Einon when he was teaching him, and how heartbroken he was when he found out that Einon never really listened to him. So, from that point on, Bowen was just willing to give up everything that he taught because he felt liked he failed as a mentor.
    Quaid as Bowen

    • I didn't mention Postlethwaite's character a lot, part of the reason being was I was sick and tired of typing his last name! But, the more important part was, I cannot stand him in this movie! All he does is recite poetry, and can really be an annoyance and a liability. The only time where I could really stomach him was when he learned how to fight, but that still could not save him. He was just trying too hard to be a deep poet, and he turned into a clown basically. He kind of reminded me of a clown that constantly follows you around trying to make you balloon animals and stuff. Postl... wait you know who I mean, constantly follows Bowen saying, "Should I write you a poem?" "He is the greatest dragon slayer there ever was!" Blah blah blah! So, I am basically saying that I didn't care for the priest.
    Postlethwaite....last time I type his name!
    • Another actress I didn't like was Dina Meyer. She just seemed like she was over the top a lot, especially when she was arguing with Einon. I didn't feel like her motives were true enough.
    OVERALL I give this film a 7/10. It is not the best of the fantasy/adventure genre, but you can really tell that the actors put as much heart as they could into the film. If you like dragons, and action, go ahead and check it out. I don't think you will be disappointed, and go ahead and fast forward through the scenes with know who, and figure out just how not important his character is.

    Thanks for reading! Keep following me, and I will be back next week with a new review!