Saturday, June 9, 2012

I Have Returned! Hellbound: Hellraiser II Review

Hello everyone! I know it has been a couple of months since I last posted on my blog, but things were just crazy with school stuff, and finding jobs. However, I am back, and I am ready to take on more movie reviews for the greater good of my readers! So, sit back and enjoy because today I will be reviewing A SEQUEL! It is my first sequel review, and I have to say this is probably one of the best horror sequels I own. I am talking about Clive Barker's Hellbound: Hellraiser II. WARNING This review may contain spoilers, and small recaps of the first film in order to help you understand this already somewhat confusing horror film haha!

Hellbound: Hellraiser II was released in 1988, and was only written by Clive Barker as well as Peter Atkins. That's right, after the first Hellraiser film, Barker decided to step down from the director's chair in order to make room for other projects, but the story is still all his. It was directed by Tony Randel. This film stars some of the original film's cast such as Ashley Laurence, Doug Bradley as Pinhead and Claire Higgins, as well as a couple of new faces, Imogen Boorman and Kenneth Cranham. The film takes place immediately after Kirsty Cotton's (Laurence) horrifying encounter with her sinister Uncle Frank, and the Cenobites, sadistic demons who receive pleasure from the suffering of others. Kirsty is now in a mental institution run by Dr. Phillip Channard (Cranham) who is actually crazier than the patients he takes care of, or should I say experiments on. That's right, this doctor experiments on his patient's brains, and even has a basement floor where he stores his craziest patients like animals. Talk about a psychotic madman! That is actually an understatement!
Anyway, Kirsty tells Channard about the Cenobites, and what happened between her Uncle Frank and her evil stepmother Julia (Higgins). She also mentions a mattress in the house where it all took place that is stained with Julia's blood, and that it must be destroyed because she can still be brought back just like Frank. Now, you think that any rational person would think that Kirsty should have a permanent stay in the mental hospital, but....BUT it turns out that Channard believes every word she says. In fact, he knows all about the Pandora's box, the Cenobites and the mattress. He actually wants to bring Julia back in order to understand this new world of pain and pleasure. Yep, this guy actually wants to go to Hell. So, Channard gets a hold of the mattress, brings Julia back, and using one of his patients that is a puzzle solver named Tiffany (Boorman) the Pandora's box is solved, and the Cenobites are once again unleashed. Channard is taken on a journey into Hell, and he finds exactly what he wants, even though it turns out to be a painful experience. Kirsty and Tiffany work together to find Kirsty's father who is still trapped in Hell, but is cut off by the Cenobites who still want to play with her. The whole film then centers around Kirsty and Tiffany closing the gate to Hell ultimately stopping Channard, Julia and the Cenobites from their deadly pursuits. Did you get all that? haha


  •  So, I mentioned in my review of Hellraiser that it is a very gruesome and violent film. Well, would you believe that this film is actually even more gruesome and violent than the first one to the point where this film is actually Unrated? However, I actually like that it is more gruesome and violent. If there is one thing I look for in a good horror film, it is that it is has to have a discomfort level. I want to have an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me want to turn away from the screen, but then turn right back to it, and this film has that and more. 
  • The Cenobites were awesome in the first film, and they are just as awesome in this film. They are still creepy, and I actually like how welcoming they are to Kirsty to Hell. I also like how they are amused by the fact that there really is no way out, and eventually she will be theirs to play with. They have a dark sense of humor for once!
  • Hell is also a pretty nice setup, especially the labyrinth set. It is simply breathtaking, and scary because of how grand it looks. I definitely would not want to get lost in it. 

No GPS could guide you through that horrifying sight. I figure you put aside
a couple hundred years, and you might get through 10% of it! haha

  •  Dr. Channard is also a very interesting character because he knows he is messed up in the head, but he acts so civil and like it is not a big deal that he is crazy. Even when he brings back Julia, he is like oh okay a zombie woman in my house no big deal! When he becomes a Cenobite, it is so unsettling, but has a killer result! Becoming a Cenobite actually released even more of his sadistic fantasies, which is what he really wanted all along. He just felt like he didn't belong in society. He wanted an excuse for being evil, and Hell is a pretty good excuse!
Channard Before

Channard After as a Cenobite


  • As much as I like the film, there are some parts of the story that just do not make a whole lot of sense. As much as I liked the labyrinth in Hell, I was not sure what the Leviathan was. Was it the devil? It did not seem to make a whole lot of sense, but perhaps if I watch it more, it will be clear to me!
  • I did not like how the whole rescue mission of Kirsty's father was a throwaway. Even though I understand that the actor who played him decided to not return for the sequel, I would have been fine with finding another actor to play him. It has been done before. What they do with this part of the story I just never really liked, and I don't want to ruin this part for you, so I will just say the payoff is not completely satisfying.
  • Toward the end of the film, the Cenobites actually turn into heroes against the Channard Cenobite. As much as a fight between these guys is awesome, the fight really sucked. I also did not understand why this fight even happened. I mean Hell is a pretty big domain, why not divide it up amongst themselves? But no one demon always has to have it all! GREEDY GREEDY! Ugh! Anyway, as much I wanted to see a fight, it just wasn't worth the 3 minute scene, and I don't think it was necessary. 
  • The ending of the film is something that I will never understand! haha I cannot even explain it. It is just so weird, and maybe that was the reason, since there were many sequels to follow this. However, it just didn't make a whole lot of sense. I don't want to ruin it for you, so see it, and then join me in my confusion, or help me with it! haha

I would say Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a worthy sequel to the original, and in my opinion, even though I have not seen the other sequels to this franchise, the only sequel worth watching. Let me explain; I actually heard that the first two Hellraiser movies were the only ones that were written as Hellraiser movies. The other sequels minus the 2011 sequel that I will NEVER speak of, were derived from other recycled horror film scripts, and people would be like "Hey! Let's throw Pinhead in this one!" So, it really is the only sequel I would say is worth seeing. Is it better than the first? I would say no, simply because of the dislikes I have already mentioned, and just because of the shear impact that the first one already left. The sequel had a new gore factor, but I felt like all the stops were already pulled out, but it is still a worthy sequel to the original! I am honored to own it, but I will never discredit the amazement that the first film has! I also want to give a warning out to you. If you want to watch this film, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT watch it with children! This is not some horror film where it is okay for them to watch. It will definitely give them nightmares, so be wary for the kiddies!

RATING I would give this film a 7/10. While it does not meet the greatness of the first film, it is still a worthy sequel, and I am proud to be an owner of it!

Well that is it from me, the Movie Maniac! Tune in next time, when I will review another movie! Take care everyone, and have fun watching this sequel!