Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whitlow and the Movie Maniac Reviews- "Robocop" (1987)

Hello all! I know it has been weeks since I last posted on here. Things have just been crazy with school, but here is a review I wrote with a friend of mine known as Josh Whitlow, a fellow movie buff like myself! Enjoy!

A tale as old as time, well maybe not as old as time but about a month or two. Two movie buffs sharing their opinions on some of the best and worst in the movie industry from time to time! First, Whitlow, a Facebook movie reviewer that has been brave enough to review movies like Batman and Robin and Spider-man 3. The Movie Maniac (Sean Kenny), a man that is just crazy about movies, and sometimes drives himself insane by reviewing stinkers like Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings! Now, we will take our reviewing to another level with Whitlow and the Movie Maniac! Yeah we like movies! In fact, we can't get enough of them, and now we are going to review one of the best in the sci-fi/action genre! The future of law enforcement Robocop (1987)!


Okay, so I always get super psyched every, and I mean EVERY time someone utters the word Robocop! This movie is great beyond comparison! Robocop was directed by Paul Verhoeven (you know the guy that brough you “Total Recall” and “Starship Troopers!”). It was released in 1987, and stars Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox, and Kurtwood Smith (yes the dad from “That 70’s Show”!). Officer Alex J. Murphy (Weller), a cop that just got transferred to a futuristic Detroit that is ruled by crime and lots of money hungry big wigs (well that future is not too far off), goes on a mission with his partner Anne Lewis (Allen) that ends in disaster when he is blown apart by a street gang lead by Clarence J. Boddicker (Smith). Yep! He is the villain in this movie! 

Clarence Boddicker- Villain

Jones- Villain

After being blown to pieces, a team of scientists put him back together using artificial intelligence, transforming him into Robocop! This guy could put the entire Detroit police force out of business because he is a one-man army who feels no pain, and will stop at nothing to protect the innocent, and seek justice! However, Robocop’s keeps getting small reminders that he was once human, which leads him to remember who killed him as Murphy. From this point on, he goes on a revenge rampage to get back at the ones who ruined his life, yet transformed it for a better cause! Oh the complexity!

The Movie Maniac’s Verdict

Robocop happens to be one of my all time favorite action films. It really gives The Terminator a run for its money because I think the movie is literally non stop action from start to finish, well almost anyway. Peter Weller does a great job as Robocop. He really lays down the law! Not Sylvester Stallone LAAAAW! haha but the law nonetheless. Kurtwood Smith does a surprisingly good performance as the main villain. Who'd a thought that That 70's Show dad could be evil! haha I also just liked the overall concept of the movie, that maybe when a cop dies, he could sign off that he can be used for future defense experiments. It might seem a little inhumane, but if a person is dead, and they sign off as an organ donor, well they take out the organs, so I liked the idea of a cop still fighting for the greater good even after he was killed in action. All of the villains seem to enjoy being evil, which makes us hate them even more, and you get s sense that the city is in chaos. The third act is also pretty impressive!
Okay, so now what I don't like about this film. Nancy Allen's character was kind of annoying in my opinion. I mean I know that she served as the reminder that Robocop was once human, but I mean he can't do anything about it, so why bring it up I guess? You know what I mean? She also seemed to be a very weak cop. Also, as much as I liked the addition of the Murphy’s past memories get in the way of his Robocop duties, I almost wish he didn’t remember his family. I know that seems horrible of me, but I just don’t like how he remembers his family full blast, and then absolutely nothing is done about afterwards. It would be cool if he like at least ran into his son or wife toward the end just to add some closure or something, but that is just me. I will say that I like how he remembers who killed him because that makes him stronger as a cop! He goes completely insane with power, and awesomeness. Well, you just have to see it for yourself! The gore factor is also undeniably well gory! The amount of violence in this movie is crazy, but it is also necessary to the grittiness of the plot! Overall, it is a great sci-fi/action film, and I can see myself watching a few more times in the future!

Whitlow’s Verdict

I agree with you about Peter Weller (Alex Murphy/RoboCop) & Kurtwood Smith (Clarence Boddicker) doing a GOOD job in their respective roles, but I would also go so far as to include Ronny Cox (Dick Jones) in that category and also as the role of co-main villain with Smith (Clarence was more of the muscle villain with henchmen while Dick Jones was the brains behind the operation so he should definitely be up there, plus I like the aspect of this movie having two main villains both working together 1st for the 'Delta City' PLOT which then later becomes the 'KILL RoboCop' PLOT). I also love the RoboCop suit itself (the overall design alone has become iconic) with his super-awesome gun that apparently never runs out of ammo (seriously, that thing couldn't possibly hold more than 30 rounds in one magazine/clip & I swear he shoots way more than that in the coke factory scene), but probably my favorite thing about this movie is the score/music behind it (the score accompanies everything this movie is illustrating to us by allowing each scene to naturally flow from one witty/comedic moment to an action-packed/shooter scene to a very tragic/emotional moment)...I also agree with you about Nancy Allen (Anne Lewis), her & Murphy are partners for like an hour before he gets killed off (partly because of her in my opinion) but she acts like they've been partners for years (NOT to mention the sexual tension between them when they're talking about Murphy's son but I might be reading a little too much into this), I mean she doesn't do a horrible job acting-wise, I just wish her character would've been much stronger/better written (less of a woman stereotype in a few places - she kicks a guy's ass like once & the rest of the time she's getting' her ask knocked-out or shot at), they're are also a few glaring mistakes/errors in the film that I've noticed in my later years (like when Murphy takes off his RoboCop helmet & the black part the was his neck/chin is missing all the sudden or when Emil tries to run RoboCop over with his truck driving it into toxic chemical you can see RoboCop sprint out of the way for a few seconds - which he can't do, he's essentially Frankenstein's monster in the speed department).

Overall, it's a pretty GOOD movie...GOOD acting (for the most part - GOLD STAR goes to Kurtwood Smith for being a sadistic ass who I ended up liking), GOOD story (kind of an metaphor for Jesus Christ), GREAT music (nuff said), yeah it's a bit dated NOW (it's 25 years old after ALL), the action's a bit over-the top but it still fits with the tone/style of the movie so it works, there's some minor continuity errors here and there (ex: when RoboCop takes his helmet off the black part around his neck and on his chin magically disappears + you can see at least one of the rockets the ED-209 launches attached to a piece of string as a guide) and the ending feels a tad bit unfinished (technically it was = they originally had another video scene as the ending showing how Anne Lewis was recovering from her wounds and the "I'd Buy That For a Dollar!" guy getting arrested for having sex with a minor or something), but for the most part it's a great film that's worthy of recogition (the sequels on the other hand...)

The Movie Maniac’s Rebuttal

Yeah the Robocop suit is really awesome actually, especially since you cannot see his eyes, which makes him all the more intimidating. At the same time, I always wondered if he is like crossing his eyes at people as he is arresting him, and going “Nah nah nah nah nah!” haha. Well, maybe not. But yeah it is a very nostalgic movie. I mean it took me about 21 years until I actually saw it, but even so, I always knew who Robocop was. I mean he has become somewhat of an icon really when you think about it. I also like your analysis of the two villains. There really is a mastermind, and a muscle villain! Well said, Whitlow!


We give this movie an 8/10!  It is a well-crafted and designed movie, and plus it has huge nostalgic value! I mean come one, even if you have not seen this movie yet, 9 times out of 10 you know what Robocop is!

That is it from us! Tune in for future reviews in the near…well…future! Whitlow and the Movie Maniac signing off!